Quigley and Watts Ltd

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Our job is to find
practical solutions

The things we excel at


Impact assessment
(health, social, integrated)

"Evidence-based decision making at its finest."

Understanding what might happen in the future and how to maximise or minimise potential outcomes. New developments, plan changes, RMA, fast tracking, reviewing.


Evaluation and learning

"Drawing conclusions about the quality, value, or importance of your programme, project or strategy"

Delivering clear, well-reasoned answers to your most important questions.

Our evaluations focus on what you want to know rather than what is easy to measure.  


Engagement and facilitation

"Diversity is a fact.
Inclusion is a choice we make every day.

Inform, consult, involve, collaborate or empower: your choice.

One on one, small groups, events or communities.

Connecting with priority populations.  


Monitoring and surveillance

"What gets measured gets managed.
What gets managed gets done."

Developing frameworks, surveys and questionnaires. Analysis and reporting.  


Evidence reviews

"If I have seen further, it is by standing
on the shoulders of giants."

Discovering the evidence about underlying causes, what might work, and tested solutions.


Health in All Policies

"Health outcomes are largely determined by
the actions of those outside the health sector."

Supporting the health sector to work alongside partners and stakeholders to achieve joint goals.


Complex problem solving

"If your only tool is a hammer then
every problem looks like a nail."

When organisations and communities are facing a complex problem, we can help understand the causes, engage all stakeholders, and work together for solutions.


Short term contracts

"Many hands make light work"

When you need a skilled person to boost your project, we can help.


Workforce development

"Encouraging growth through life-long learning"

People learn in different ways.

We create safe spaces for groups to learn and develop their skills.


We make great things happen.

Why you should work with us


Experience in New Zealand, Australia, and globally

While much of our work is in New Zealand and Australia, we've had the pleasure of working for clients in South America, Europe, Canada, Asia and the Pacific.


100s of happy customers

With over 20 years of experience as consultants, you only last that long when satisfied customers keep coming back and recommend us to their colleagues.


Team of strong professionals

We are members of national- and international- professional organisations that help keep our skills honed. Not only do we do, but we are also train, write best practice guidance documents, and review others work.

Meet the team